2. Perform respiratory care procedures for the adult
critically ill patients to include:
a. Aerosol drug administration: small volume
nebulizer, metered dose inhaler, dry powder inhaler,
adult inline metered dose inhaler, adult inline small
volume nebulizer
b. Oxygen therapy: nasal cannula, simple mask, partial
rebreather mask, non-rebreather mask, air
entrainment mask, high flow nasal cannula,
transport with oxygen, manual ventilation with
c. Lung expansion: incentive spirometry, intermittent
positive pressure breathing
d. Suction procedures: endotracheal suctioning,
nasotracheal suctioning, tracheal suctioning, in-line
e. Adult arterial blood: ABG sampling, ABG analysis,
ABG analyzer quality assurance
f. Bronchopulmonary hygiene: coughing, chest
physiotherapy, mucous clearance
g. Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation:
noninvasive ventilator setup, noninvasive ventilator
h. Endotracheal tube/ tracheostomy care: securing
artificial airway, tracheostomy care, cuff
management, heat/moisture exchanger, intubation,
i. Resuscitation: setup and ventilation via
endotracheal tube, setup and ventilation via mask,
adult CPR airway and ventilation, adult CPR