Mar 11, 2025  
2023-2024 College Catalog and Student Handbook 
2023-2024 College Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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RESP 2490 - Practicum IV

Academic Division:

Health Sciences

Academic Discipline:

Respiratory Care

Assistant Dean: Leesa Cox, MBA, PTA
2.5 Credit(s)
This is a practicum course and is a continuation of RESP 2390 . The student will be assigned to a hospital 12 hours per week for 13 weeks (156 total hours) to work under the supervision of a practicum instructor. six weeks will be spent in adult critical care and seven weeks will be spent in neonatal and pediatrics setting. This course provides a more intense look at adult mechanical ventilation focusing on the understanding of pathophysiology of the critical care patient as it applies to mechanical ventilation and critical care procedures. The student will learn to assess and troubleshoot mechanical ventilators, assess patient outcomes, analyze and apply mechanical ventilator techniques to adapt to the patient’s pathophysiological needs. As a part of this practicum experience the student will perform an intubation rotation in a surgical environment under the supervision of an anesthesiologist. The course covers practical application in a pediatric hospital performing practicum procedures as they relate to the neonatal/pediatric patient including assessment, oxygen therapy, humidity/aerosol therapy, aerosolized medication delivery methods, airway management and suctioning, oximetry, apnea monitoring, conventional mechanical ventilation, CPAP, High Frequency Oscillation, and weaning procedures. The student may be involved in emergency medical procedures include cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of manual resuscitators. Seminar time is provided at campus. Semesters available: Day - F UG
1 Lecture Hour(s);
10.5 Practicum Hour(s);

Required as Prerequisite or Concurrent Course(s): Take RESP 2410 , RESP 2470  

College Wide Outcomes
College-Wide Learning Outcome Assessments - - How it is met & When it is met
Communication – Written  
Communication – Speech  
Intercultural Knowledge and Competence Interaction with patients, hospital staff. Evaluated in Student evaluations weeks 8 and 16. Intercultural Knowledge and Competence VALUE Rubric
Critical Thinking  
Information Literacy  
Quantitative Literacy  


Student Learning Outcomes for Course
Outcomes Assessments – How it is met & When it is met

1. Collect, evaluate, and review existing data in the patients’ record to assess the patient’s cardiopulmonary system and make recommendations to initiate or modify therapy

S.O.A.P. rubric, daily beginning week 2

Practical examinations weeks 8 & 16

2. Perform respiratory care procedures for the adult

critically ill patients to include:

a. Aerosol drug administration: small volume

nebulizer, metered dose inhaler, dry powder inhaler,

adult inline metered dose inhaler, adult inline small

volume nebulizer

b. Oxygen therapy: nasal cannula, simple mask, partial

rebreather mask, non-rebreather mask, air

entrainment mask, high flow nasal cannula,

transport with oxygen, manual ventilation with


c. Lung expansion: incentive spirometry, intermittent

positive pressure breathing

d. Suction procedures: endotracheal suctioning,

nasotracheal suctioning, tracheal suctioning, in-line


e. Adult arterial blood: ABG sampling, ABG analysis,

ABG analyzer quality assurance

f. Bronchopulmonary hygiene: coughing, chest

physiotherapy, mucous clearance

g. Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation:

noninvasive ventilator setup, noninvasive ventilator


h. Endotracheal tube/ tracheostomy care: securing

artificial airway, tracheostomy care, cuff

management, heat/moisture exchanger, intubation,


i. Resuscitation: setup and ventilation via

endotracheal tube, setup and ventilation via mask,

adult CPR airway and ventilation, adult CPR


SOAP rubric, daily Check-offs weeks 8 & 16

Student practicum evaluation weeks 8 & 16

3. Perform the following procedures for the adult critically ill patients to include:

a. Ventilatory care: adult ventilator setup, adult

routine ventilator check, adult ventilator parameter

change, adult ventilator circuit change, adult

ventilator graphics analysis, adult capnography

b. Pathophysiology of the critically ill patient.

c. Weaning from mechanical ventilation: weaning

parameters, weaning

d. Adult hemodynamic monitoring: arterial line

sampling, pulmonary artery line sampling,

pulmonary artery pressure measurement,

thermodilution cardiac output measurement

e. Cardiology testing: electrocardiography, cardiac

catheterization, echocardiography

S.O.A.P. rubric, daily beginning week 1 Check-offs weeks 8 & 16

Practical Final week 16



Standard Grading Scale
93-100      A

90 - 92      A-

87- 89       B+

83 - 86      B

80 -82       B-

77- 79       C+

73 - 76      C

70 -72       C-

67- 69       D+

63 - 66      D

60 -62       D-

00- 59       F

Statement on Diversity
North Central State College believes that every student is a valued and equal member of the community.*  Every student brings different experiences to the College, and all are important in enriching academic life and developing greater understanding and appreciation of one another. Therefore, NC State College creates an inclusive culture in which students feel comfortable sharing their experiences. Discrimination and prejudice have no place on the campus, and the College takes any complaint in this regard seriously. Students encountering aspects of the instruction that result in barriers to their sense of being included and respected should contact the instructor, assistant dean, or dean without fear of reprisal. 

*Inclusive of race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, national origin (ancestry), military status (past, present or future), disability, age (40 years or older), status as a parent during pregnancy and immediately after the birth of a child, status as a parent of a young child, status as a foster parent, genetic information, or sexual orientation, 

Standard NCSC Course Policies
Important information regarding College Procedures and Policies can be found on the syllabus supplement located at this link



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