Mar 31, 2025  
2023-2024 College Catalog and Student Handbook 
2023-2024 College Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Transfer Program Information

  • Transfer Program Information

  • Transferring from North Central State College

  • Transfer Partners

  • Ohio Transfer Module

  • NC State Transfer Degree Programs

  • Transfer to North Central State College

  • Transient Students


Transfer Program Information

North Central State College welcomes transfer students–including

  • Students wishing to transfer out their associate degree credits to continue their education toward bachelor and master degrees at other colleges/universities
  • Students wishing to transfer in credits from other institutions to earn an NCSC associate degree
  • Transient students wishing to take one or more NCSC courses for transfer back to another institution

For all transfer students—North Central State College offers high-quality education with hands-on and project-based learning, in small classes where you can easily connect with faculty and other students, and with intensive support services and extremely affordable tuition.


Transferring From North Central State College

Starting your bachelor degree at North Central State College makes sense and is easy. Finish your first two years while still living at home and keeping your part-time job, taking in person or online classes, and then transfer your credits to the bachelor program and university of your choice. We will be there every step of the way to answer questions and help you transfer seamlessly.

The steps to transfer are simple:

  1. Tell us your transfer goals when you start at NC State—your career interests and the bachelor’s program and the university or type of university where you want to continue your studies.
  2. Meet with your advisor each semester to refine and focus your interests and to plan a program at NC State that will transfer intact to the university you choose.
  3. Attend visits and consultations with the university representatives that your NC State advisor arranges.
  4. Start your third year in the university bachelor’s program with your program well defined and university connections made.


Transfer Partners

NC State has many transfer partners and articulation programs to make transfer even easier:

  • Ashland University: Articulation agreements for Bachelor degree programs in Biology, Communication Studies, Criminal Justice, Fine Art/Graphic Design, Nursing, Psychology, and Social Work
  • Baldwin Wallace University: Articulation agreement for AA/AS/AAS degrees to BA/BS
  • Bowling Green State University: Articulation agreements for the Bachelor of Science technology degree in Mechatronics Engineering Technology
  • Capital University: Pathways from AA degrees to BA degrees in Communication, Public Relations, Business Management, History, Philosophy, and Psychology 
  • Eastern Michigan University: Articulation agreements for Bachelor of Science degree programs in Mechanical Engineering Technology, Electrical Engineering Technology, and Electrical and Computing Engineering
  • Franklin University: General articulation agreement for AA/AS degrees and 2+2 and 3+1 transfer of AAS degrees to Bachelor of Science programs. Specific pathways for Criminal Justice and Psychology
  • Heidelberg University: General articulation agreement for AA/AS degrees and AAS credits as well as dual admission and enrollment agreement
  • Herzing University: General articulation agreement for Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science programs in various disciplines
  • Indiana Wesleyan University: Pathways in Accounting, Business Administration, Business Management-Marketing, Human and Social Work Services, and Social Work
  • Kent State University: General transfer agreement for OTM courses and specific pathway for RN to BSN
  • Mount Vernon Nazarene University: Pathway for BS in Social Work 
  • Muskingum University: General articulation agreement forAA/AS/AAS to BA/BS
  • Ohio University: Articulation agreements for Bachelor of Science degrees in Applied Management, Bachelor of Technical and Applied Studies (BTAS), Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), and Bachelor of Criminal Justice (BCJ)
  • Old Dominion University: Pathway for BS in Electrical Engineering Technology and Mechatronics Systems Technology Concentration
  • Otterbein University: General articulation agreement for AA/AS/AAS to BA/BS
  • Tiffin University: General education articulation agreements for AA/AS/AAB/AAS to BS and pathways for Business and Criminal Justice
  • University of Cincinnati:  Articulation agreements for AA/AS/AAS to Bachelor Degrees in Communication Studies, Criminal Justice, Education, English, Psychology, and Radiological Sciences
  • Western Governors University: Articulation agreements for Bachelor Degree programs in Business, Education, Health Services and Nursing, and Information Technology


Ohio Transfer Module (OTM)

The Ohio Transfer Module helps transferring students by assuring them the quality of the general education courses that they complete but also by ensuring that the credits earned for these OTM courses will be accepted for transfer by other colleges and universities in the University System of Ohio.

Transfer Module Guarantee. The Ohio Department of Higher Education, following the directive of the Ohio General Assembly, developed a statewide Articulation and Transfer Policy to facilitate movement of students and transfer credits from one Ohio public college or university to another. Students are guaranteed the transfer of applicable general education credits among Ohio’s public colleges and universities and equitable treatment in the application of credits to admissions and degree requirements.

The purpose of the state policy is to avoid duplication of course requirements and to enhance student mobility throughout Ohio’s higher educational system. Since private colleges and universities in Ohio may or may not be participating in the transfer policy, students interested in transferring to a private institution are encouraged to check with their advisor or the college or university of their choice regarding transfer agreements.

NC State’s Transfer Module. Consistent with Ohio’s Articulation and Transfer Policy, North Central State College’s transfer module consists of 38 semester credit hours of coursework in English composition, mathematics, arts and humanities, social and behavioral sciences, and natural and physical sciences. Once a student completes the NC State Transfer Module in its entirety, with a “D” or better in each course, the entire module is guaranteed to be transferable to any state-supported college or university in Ohio in place of that institution’s module. The student must, of course, meet the admissions criteria of the particular state-supported institution before the module can be transferred. Also, students may be required by the receiving institution to meet additional general education requirements beyond those included in the Transfer Module, so long as the same requirements apply to native students.

Students meeting the requirements of the Transfer Module are subject to the following conditions:

  • The policy encourages receiving institutions to give preferential consideration for admission to students who complete the Transfer Module with a “D” or better in each course and who have successfully completed altogether at least 60 semester credit hours. These students must have an overall grade-point average of 2.00 in Transfer Module courses to be given credit for the Transfer Module, and only courses in which a “D” or better has been earned will transfer.
  • The policy encourages receiving institutions to admit, on a non-preferential consideration basis, students who complete the Transfer Module with a grade of “D” or better in each course and who have successfully completed altogether less than 60 semester credit hours. These students will be able to transfer all courses in which they received a grade of “D” or better.

Admission to a given institution does not guarantee that a transfer student will be automatically admitted to all majors, minors, or fields of concentration at that institution. However, once admitted, transfer students shall be subject to the same regulations governing applicability of catalog requirements as all other students. Furthermore, transfer students shall be accorded the same class standing and other privileges as all other students on the basis of the number of credits earned. All residency requirements must be successfully completed at the receiving institution before the granting of a degree.

Transfer Module Guidance. To facilitate transfer with maximum applicability of transfer credit, prospective transfer students should plan a course of study that will meet the requirements of a degree program at the receiving institution. Specifically, students should identify early in their collegiate studies an institution and major to which they desire to transfer. Students should also determine if there are any special course requirements that can be met during their time at NC State. This will enable students to plan and pursue a course of study that will articulate with the receiving institution’s major. Students will work with their advisor to get the information they need regarding transfer and the contacts for communicating with the college or university to which they plan to transfer.

Courses Included in the North Central State College Transfer Module. These are the courses included in NC State’s transfer module (also listed on the website of the Ohio Department of Higher Education).




I. English/Oral Communication

Choose two:

ENGL 1010 English Composition I

ENGL 1030 English Composition II

COMM 1010 Speech





II.  Mathematics, Statistics and Formal Logic


Choose two:

MATH 1110 College Algebra

MATH 1130 Trigonometry

MATH 1150 Calculus I

MATH 1151 Calculus II

MATH 2010 Calculus III

MATH 2030 Differential Equations

STAT 1010 Probability and Statistics









III. *Arts/ Humanities

Choose two:

ENGL 2050 American Literature I

ENGL 2070 American Literature II

ENGL 2090 Introduction to Fiction

HIST 1010 American History I

HIST 1030 American History II

HIST 1070 Western Civilization II

HUMA 1010 Introduction to the Humanities

MUSC 1010 Music Appreciation

PHIL 1010 Western Philosophy

PHIL 1110 Ethics

THEA 1010 Introduction to Theatre













IV. Social Sciences

Choose two from two different subject areas:

ECON 1010 Introduction to Economics

ECON 1510 Microeconomics

POLT 1010 American National Government

PSYC 1010 Introduction to Psychology

PSYC 1070 Introduction to Women’s Studies

PSYC 2010 Human Growth and Development

PSYC 2050 Abnormal Psychology

PSYC 2090 Social Psychology

PSYC 2100 Personality Theory

SOCY 1010 Introduction to Sociology

SOCY 2010 Cultural Diversity and Racism 













V. Natural Sciences

Choose three, with at least one lab course:

BIOL 1550 Microbiology for Health Professionals

BIOL 1710 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology

BIOL 2751 Human Anatomy and Physiology I

BIOL 2752 Anatomy and Physiology II

CHEM 1030 Chemistry

CHEM 1210 Chemistry

CHEM 1220 Chemistry II

PHYS 1010 Introductory Physics

PHYS 1110 General Physics I

PHYS 1130 General Physics II














NC State Transfer Degree Programs

All NC State degree credits will transfer in whole or in part to other colleges and universities. The Associate of Arts and the Associate of Science degrees consist largely of general education credits, and they are especially designed for transfer in entirety. However, many or most of the credits in applied degrees will also transfer and will allow you to get work experience while or before continuing your education. The choice of a degree program depends on your career goals and individual situation.  All students should discuss their goals and interests during their first semester at NC State.


Transfer to North Central State College

North Central State College makes the transfer of credits in easy for students who have completed course work at an institution other than North Central State College and would like that coursework to be considered for credit towards a North Central State College program/degree.

To ensure a seamless and successful transition, NC State follows these guidelines and procedures for students transferring credits in:

  • NC State Admissions alerts all incoming students of the potential for the awarding of prior-earned credit.
  • All students with prior credit wishing to be evaluated need to contact their previous institution(s) and have an official transcript sent to North Central State College Registrar (Student Records) by mail or through a 3rd party transcript service.
  • Credits are accepted only from institutions that have regional or national accreditation. For courses completed before September 2005, a grade of at least a C- must have been received in any course accepted for transfer credit. For courses completed after September 2005, grades of D-, D, and D+, are considered for transfer credit unless a specific department requires a higher grade for non-transfer students. In addition, some transfer courses with D-, D, and D+ grades may not meet prerequisite and graduation requirements for specific degree programs. A minimum C- grade is required in all transfer courses for the NC State courses that are Pass/No Pass. Courses that are considered for transfer credit must meet the same grade requirements as the NC State courses. See the Program Description section of the catalog and individual program Curriculum Worksheets for specific course grade requirements.
  • Transcripts are forwarded to the Academic Services Office and are evaluated within 30 business days.
  • After evaluation, transcripts are returned to Student Records where all applicable transfer credit(s) are posted to the student’s academic record, and a summary report of such credit is then sent to the student.

Transcript Evaluation Appeals. North Central State College has an appeals process for the use of any student who disagrees with the amount of transfer credit he/she has been given by the College. Details about this procedure and the steps involved in filing an appeal are available to students upon request in the Office of the Chief Academic Officer. (Every other state-supported college or university in Ohio is also required to have such an appeals process regarding transfer credit decisions.) If a transfer student’s appeal is denied by the institution after all appeal levels within the institution have been exhausted, the student can appeal to the state level Articulation and Transfer Appeals Review Committee. The Appeals Review Committee reviews and recommends to institutions the resolution of individual cases of appeal from transfer students who have exhausted all local appeal mechanisms concerning applicability of transfer credits at receiving institutions. (See also “Student Complaints Following Transfer Appeals at the Receiving Institution” on the Ohio Department of Higher Education  website.)


Transient Students

Students who wish to take one or several courses at North Central State College will find it to be an easy and worthwhile experience. In the summer, NC State is an ideal place to take care of general education credits while at home on break from your college or university.


Federal financial aid is not available for transient students since federal financial aid rules require that the students be degree-seeking at the institutions where attending classes. Students, who are currently enrolled at another institution and wish to take classes at NC State as a transient student to transfer back to their home institution, need to pick up a Consortium Agreement from their home institution and submit it to the NC State Financial Aid Office. The students then pay their tuition out of pocket at NC State, and the home institution processes the aid and sends any aid the students are eligible for to them.