2. Perform the following procedures:
a. Patient data: vital signs, chest assessment, patient
assessment, x-ray interpretation
b. Oxygen therapy: nasal cannula, simple mask, partial
rebreather, non-rebreather, air entrainment mask,
pulse oximetry, transport with oxygen, high flow nasal
c. Aerosol and humidity therapy: face tent, face mask,
trach collar, t-piece, ultrasonic nebulizer
d. Charting
e. Aerosol drug administration : metered dose inhaler,
dry powder inhaler, small volume nebulizer, in-line
metered dose inhaler, in-line small volume nebulizer
f. Hyperinflation therapy: incentive spirometry,
intermittent positive pressure breathing
g. Bronchial hygiene: chest physiotherapy, coughing,
breathing exercises, mucous clearance adjuncts,
MetaNeb, intrapulmonary percussive ventilation,
h. Ventilatory care: ventilator setup, routine ventilator
check, ventilator parameter change, ventilator
graphics analysis, capnography
i. Weaning from mechanical ventilation: weaning
parameters, weaning
j. Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation: noninvasive
ventilator setup, noninvasive ventilator check
k. Manual ventilation during transport, transport
ventilation setup
l. Suctioning procedures: endotracheal suctioning,
nasotracheal suctioning, tracheal suctioning, in-line
m. Endotracheal tube/tracheostomy care: securing
artificial airway, cuff management, heat/moisture
exchanger, extubation
n. Arterial Blood Gasses: ABG Sampling, ABG
Analysis, ABG Analyzer Quality Assurance