Jan 18, 2025  
2018-2019 College Catalog and Student Handbook 
2018-2019 College Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

About Us


Message From the President

I’m delighted that you are interested in knowing more about our outstanding college.

On behalf of the NCSC Board of Trustees, faculty, and staff, it is my sincere pleasure to welcome you to our college and our website. Each fall, several thousand students begin their academic year at North Central State College alongside dedicated faculty and staff. Students also attend classes at the Kehoe Center in Shelby, the Crawford Success Center in Bucyrus, and through alternative delivery as they begin a rewarding career. Others are here beginning their education, planning to transfer to another institution to continue toward a bachelor’s degree that are also available on our campus.

A very special thing happens when you visit our college campus. You will begin encountering people who take pride in their role toward helping students succeed. It may be the campus security officer in the parking lot or maintenance workers and other staff as you progress toward your destination. Once in a building, you will encounter committed and caring faculty and staff who will engage you, guide you and support you as you progress toward your goal, whether it is a course, a certificate or a college degree.

Please take a moment to explore our catalog. You will discover a wide range of information about programs, services, and opportunities in healthcare, business, engineering, manufacturing, information technology, public service, and arts and sciences. You will also discover that the cost of attending North Central State College remains one of the most affordable tuition rates in the state of Ohio. That’s why we continue to convey that “The best Financial Aid is Low Tuition.” It’s not just how much aid you receive for college, it’s about how much you have to pay.

In addition, I invite you to explore Career Coach, which will give you localized information on careers, training for those careers, regional job opportunities available in those fields, along with salary and benefits.

When you combine the value of your education here at NC State with the proven, increased earning potential of receiving an associate degree or industry recognized certificate, I hope you will agree that this college is the place to start, and finish, your college education.

We are very proud of our strong reputation. North Central State College is a leader in affordable quality higher education with employable and transferable programs to help our community and its citizens prosper. We look forward to seeing you on campus very soon! It is an honor and a privilege to be of service.


Dr. Dorey Diab, President

College Contacts

North Central State College
2441 Kenwood Circle
Mansfield, Ohio 44906

Crawford Success Center
130 North Walnut
Bucyrus, Ohio 44820

James W. Kehoe Center
175 Mansfield Avenue
Shelby, Ohio 44875

Academic and Student Services

Office of the President 157 Fallerius 419‐755‐4811
Vice President for Academic Services/Chief Academic Officer 158 Fallerius 419‐755‐4733
Academic Services 103A Fallerius 419‐755‐4554
Admissions 103 Kee Hall 419‐755‐4761
Bookstore   419‐747‐5401
Campus Life/Student Engagement 214 Eisenhower 419‐755‐4313
Campus Recreation Center   419‐755‐4041
Career Development 102 Kee Hall & 163 Kehoe 419‐755‐4896
Cashier’s Office 140 Kee Hall 419‐755‐4722
Child Development Center   419‐755‐5600
College Credit Plus 108 Kee Hall 419‐755‐4732
Disability and Personal Counseling 138A Kee Hall 419‐755‐4727
eLearning and Innovation 150A Fallerius 419‐755‐4706
Financial Aid 143 Kee Hall 419‐755‐4899
Library/Bromfield Learning Commons 131 Bromfield 419‐755‐4331
Security/Public Safety – Main Campus 161 Riedl Hall 419‐755‐4218
Student Records 142 Kee Hall 419‐755‐4857
Student Success and Transition Center 136 Kee Hall 419‐755‐4536
Tech Prep 161 Kehoe 419‐755‐4870
TRIO Support Services 120A Kee Hall 419‐755‐9015
Tutoring Center 119 Fallerius 419‐755‐3322
Workforce Partnership 156 Kehoe 419‐755‐4740

Academic Divisions

Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Communications, Criminal Justice, English, Human Services, Humanities, Mathematics, and Social Sciences


Agriculture Management, Biology, Bioscience, Chemistry, CollegeNow‐Bioscience, Health Information Technology, Health Services Technology, Nursing, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Physical Therapist Assistant, Radiological Sciences, and Respiratory Care


Accounting, Business Administration, CollegeNow – Business, CollegeNow – Engineering, Engineering Technoloyg, Industrial Technology, Information Technology, Physics, and Visual Communications Media and Technology

Business Services

Business Office 156 Fallerius 419‐755‐4816
Human Resources 156 Fallerius 419‐755‐4871
Information Technology Services 141 Fallerius 419‐755‐4734
Marketing and Public Relations 132 Kee Hall 419‐755‐4810
North Central State College Foundation 122 Kee Hall 419‐755‐4753

Profile of the College

About the College

Prior to its charter as North Central Technical College, the institution was known as the Mansfield School of Technology. It was initiated by the Mansfield Board of Education in September, 1961, and approved by the State Department of Education. The rationale of the Mansfield Board of Education was to establish a two‐year, post‐high school diploma granting school that would prepare men and women for various careers. The graduates were satisfying the rapidly-growing employment needs in the industrial and business society of the area.

The original location of the Mansfield School of Technology was 218 Marion Avenue, Mansfield, Ohio. The limited physical facilities, projected enrollment growth, and need for additional student services led the school’s administration, advisory committees, and the Mansfield Board of Education to seek the creation of a Technical College District in compliance with the Ohio Revised Code. North Central Technical College was approved by the Ohio Board of Regents and certified by the Secretary of State on September 26, 1968. This action of the Ohio Board of Regents and the Secretary of State created the Technical College District in the contiguous counties of Ashland, Crawford, and Richland. In August of 1999, the Board of Trustees changed the name of the college to North Central State College.

Currently, the NC State‐OSU campus houses North Central State College and a regional campus of The Ohio State University. Certain physical facilities and services are shared by each institution. The campus represents a model in sharing resources by two separate institutions. Each institution has its own faculty, curricula, policies, and operating procedures. NC State also maintains the James W. Kehoe Center for Advanced Learning in Shelby and the Crawford County Success Center in Bucyrus.

A Board of Trustees, the members of which are public representatives of Ashland, Crawford, and Richland counties, directs North Central State College. Copies of North Central State College’s most recent financial statement are available upon request. If interested, please contact the Business Office at 419‐755‐4816.

Accreditation and Memberships


North Central State College, a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, is regionally accredited through the Higher Learning Commission’s* Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP). Through AQIP, the College focuses on improving systems and processes to better meet the College’s mission while maintaining accreditation.

North Central State College is chartered by the Ohio Board of Regents as a state‐assisted institution of higher education and is approved by the State Department of Education; U.S. Department of Education; State Department of Education for Veterans; Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation; and the Department of Justice, Immigration, and Naturalization Service.


  • Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing
  • Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP)
  • American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers
  • American Association of Community and Junior Colleges
  • American Physical Therapy Association
  • Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT)
  • Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education
  • Committee on Accreditation in Respiratory Care
  • Council for Advancement and Support of Education
  • Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiological Technology
  • Mansfield‐Richland Area Chamber of Commerce
  • National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators
  • National Institute for Metalworking Skills
  • National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission, Ohio Board of Nursing
  • Ohio Association of College Admission Counseling (OACAC)
  • Ohio Association of Community Colleges (OACC)
  • Ohio Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators
  • Ohio Association of Two‐Year Colleges (OATYC)
  • Ohio Board of Education
  • Ohio Department of Health
  • Ohio State Board of Pharmacy
  • United State Department of Education

*Higher Learning Commission, 230 S. LaSalle St., Suite 7‐500, Chicago IL, 60604 • 1‐800‐621‐7440

College Mission

Providing individuals with the knowledge, skills and inspiration to succeed in their chosen path.

College Vision

North Central State College is committed to being a leader in affordable quality higher education and a partner in achieving greater community prosperity and better quality of life.

College Values

In all we do, we value a culture of integrity, inclusion, and excellence. We value our students and are committed to creating an accessible environment that is affordable, caring, supportive, inclusive and learner‐centered.

We value our employees and are committed to creating an environment that is culturally diverse, collaborative, and respectful. We value our communities and are committed to creating an environment that is innovative, responsive, and accountable.

Core Learning Objectives

  • Critical Thinking
  • Communication ‐ Oral and Written
  • Information Literacy
  • Intercultural Knowledge and Competence
  • Quantitative Literacy

ENDS Policies Statements

1.0 Global Ends Policy
North Central State College exists for the citizens of its service region to have the knowledge and skills to succeed in their chosen path for learning, work, or enrichment, sufficient to justify available resources.

1.1 Diversity
The College maintains an environment that encourages tolerance of differences while recognizing similarities and providing equalizing opportunities for participation by all.

1.2 Equal Opportunity
The proportion of students from economically or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds is at least equivalent to the proportion in the local communities.

1.3 Career Readiness and Development
Students acquire and enhance relevant business and industry credentials, job skills, work habits, job leads and pathways to economic self‐sufficiency especially in high demand technologies.

1.4 Transferability
Students acquire and enhance relevant business and industry credentials, job skills, work habits, job leads and pathways to economic self‐sufficiency especially in high demand technologies.

1.5 Enrichment
Enrichment opportunities exist to reflect community needs and values.


The North Central State College Foundation is a non‐profit 501(c)(3), tax‐exempt organization formed in 1990 to seek, receive, and distribute funds, equipment, property, and other contributions for the benefit of the students and programs of North Central State College. Its goals are:

  • Provide financial assistance to full‐time and part‐time students in the form of scholarships, grants, and aid.
  • Support creative, forward‐thinking projects of faculty and staff in order to provide the most current technological institution.
  • Develop financial resources for College projects, including building construction, programs, and scholarships.
  • Build a general scholarship fund for the support of North Central State College.
  • Enlist support for North Central State College within the community.

The mission of the North Central State College Foundation is to assist the College in providing lifelong learning opportunities by securing financial and community support.

For information, call the Foundation Office: 419‐755‐4753. All gifts to the North Central State Foundation are tax deductible under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Physical Facilities

Located on a 600‐acre tract of land, the campus offers a variety of physical facilities to support many academic and extracurricular activities. The campus consists of ten buildings, encompassing an area of approximately 250,000 square feet.

The Henry R. Fallerius Technical Education Center contains classrooms, lecture halls, technical laboratories, data center, faculty offices, tutoring, the Liberal Arts Division, and the administrative offices for North Central State College

The Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Center serves as a comprehensive student center which includes the student union, quiet and active game areas, music‐listening rooms, cafeteria, and a student coffee house.

The Louis Bromfield Hall includes the Information Commons.

The Byron E. Kee Hall houses a comprehensive array of services and educational support activities to assist students as they pursue their educational careers. Departments located in Kee Hall include Admissions, Recruitment and Gateway Services, Student Records, Financial Aid, Cashier’s Office, Disability Support Services, Career Services, Institutional Advancement, and the Foundation Office. Support offered in Kee Hall include registration, assessment, tutoring, academic advising, and personal counseling, along with support courses in reading, writing and college survival skills.

The Health Sciences Center contains classrooms, a lecture hall, laboratories, faculty offices, and the Health Sciences Division.

The Child Development Center provides childcare services for the children of students and staff and serves as a teaching laboratory for college students preparing for careers working with young children and their families.

The Campus Bookstore sells textbooks, academic supplies, and related items.

The Campus Recreation Center contains a gymnasium, weight room, cardio‐aerobic fitness equipment, locker room facilities and offers intramural sports throughout the year.

Riedl Hall houses the main campus security office.

The James W. Kehoe Center for Advanced Learning, located in Shelby, houses the Ralph Phillips Conference Center, classrooms, laboratories, faculty offices, College Now Engineering and Business programs, Tech Prep, Workforce Partnership, and the Business, Industry and Technology Division.

The Crawford Success Center (CSC), located in Bucyrus, is dedicated to raising the educational attainment in Crawford County by creating and supporting community access to North Central State College. The 7,000 square feet space houses offices, classrooms, computer labs, and meeting space for small and large groups.

Guarantee of Job Competency

North Central State College guarantees that graduates are occupationally competent. The guarantee applies only to job skills identified in the program outcomes for a specific degree. The guarantee applies only to graduates employed on a full‐time basis in a position directly related to the area of their program concentration, during the 12 months immediately following their graduation.

If a graduate is judged by his or her employer to be lacking in technical job skills identified by the program outcomes for his or her specific degree program, North Central State College under the conditions of the guarantee policy will provide the graduate up to nine, tuition‐free, semester credit hours of additional training. Cost of books, insurance, uniforms, laboratory and activity fees, and other course‐related expenses are the responsibility of the graduate and/or the employer.

Special Conditions for the Guarantee

The employer must provide to the College:

  • Identification, in writing, of areas of deficiency within six months of the graduate’s initial employment.
  • Verification, in writing, of specific job skills the employee is lacking which relate directly to the degree’s program outcomes.
  • A written educational plan for retraining developed in cooperation with the appropriate academic department at the College.

Retraining will be limited to nine semester hours of credit related to the identified skill deficiency and to those classes regularly scheduled during the period covered by their training plan and must be completed within a calendar year from the time the educational plan is agreed upon.

The guarantee does not imply the graduate will pass any licensing or qualifying examination for a particular career.

Notice of Nondiscrimination

It is the policy of North Central State College not to discriminate based on sex, race, age, creed, religion, national origin, disability status, veteran status or sexual orientation in its educational programs, activities, or employment practices.

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on race or national origin in any educational program or activity of North Central State College.

Title IX of the Educational Amendment of 1972 prohibits discrimination based on sex in any educational program or activity of North Central State College.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 prohibits discrimination based on handicap status in any educational activity of North Central State College.

An internal, formal grievance procedure for violation of such acts has been set forth by North Central State College. Information on this policy is located in Student Records, Human Resources, and the Admissions, Advising and Enrollment Services Office. Inquiries regarding the College’s obligation in this area should be directed to the Enrollment Services Office. Inquiries regarding the College’s obligation in this area should be directed to:

Title VI & IX Coordinator
Vice President for Academic Services/Chief Academic Officer
North Central State College
2441 Kenwood Circle
Mansfield, Ohio 44906
(419) 755‐4538

Section 504 Coordinator
Specialized Support Services Coordinator
North Central State College
2441 Kenwood Circle
Mansfield, OH 44906
419‐755‐5611 (TTY/Voice)