Sep 08, 2024  
2023-2024 College Catalog and Student Handbook 
2023-2024 College Catalog and Student Handbook


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FYEX 1000 - CCP College and Career Success

2 Credit(s)
This course is designed to assist students in determining their life course (academic and career).  It will have students researching careers and the education/training necessary to attain those careers.  Students in FYEX1000 will also look at the soft skills necessary for success in school and life – motivation, goal setting, time management/organization, interdependence, diversity, locus of control, self-efficacy/assertiveness, grit, growth mindset, deep learning, critical thinking, financial literacy, and study skills. 


This course includes 10 hours of financial literacy that may fulfill the state required high school financial literacy graduation requirement.  (To be determined by each high school.)

2 Lab Hour(s)
1 Lecture Hour(s);
College Wide Outcomes
College-Wide Learning Outcome Assessments - - How it is met & When it is me
Communication – Written  
Communication – Speech  
Intercultural Knowledge and Competence  
Critical Thinking  
Information Literacy  
Quantitative Literacy  


Student Learning Outcomes for Course
Outcomes Assessments – How it is met & When it is met
Choose 1-2 viable career options to research Career project weeks 1-3
Research necessary training/education for career choice Career project weeks 1-3

Determine personal motivation for career, advanced training, and coursework

Reflection journal week 3
Set specific, measurable goals for the future Reflection journal week 3

Examine time management skills and create an organizational plan

Create a master schedule week 4
Justify the need for interdependence Reflection journal week 5

Diagnose diversity issues and determine a solution for each

Reflection journal week 6

Evaluate the two loci of control used most frequently and its benefit or detriment

Compare and contrast essay week 7
Practice self-efficacy/assertiveness Exercise on self-efficacy and assertiveness week 8
Examine grit and growth mindset Take a Grit test and reflection journal on results week 9
Create a financial plan for education and living expenses Fill out a financial plan and personal budget sheet week 10-11
Explore various study skills Exercises and reflection journals in reading, note taking, memory, and test taking strategies weeks 12-15


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