Feb 07, 2025  
2023-2024 College Catalog and Student Handbook 
2023-2024 College Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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VCMT 1050 - Imaging I

Academic Division: Business, Industry and Technology
Academic Discipline: Visual Communication Media and Technology
Assistant Dean: Vincent Palombo PhD
3 Credit(s)
This course will teach the students how to create, edit, manipulate, and manage digital imagery using Adobe Photoshop. Students will also use Adobe InDesign to focus on visual communication through various mediums including print, web, and multimedia. Students manipulate images by improving image quality, adding graphic design elements, and building compositions for the use in other interactive media projects or as their own documents. Raster graphics will be exported using the appropriate output method for their intended use. (CTAG #CTGRPH001) Raster Graphics. UG
2 Lab Hour(s)
2 Lecture Hour(s);
College Wide Outcomes
College-Wide Learning Outcome Assessments - - How it is met & When it is me
Communication – Written  
Communication – Speech  
Intercultural Knowledge and Competence Intercultural Knowledge & Competence VALUE Rubric
Critical Thinking  
Information Literacy  
Quantitative Literacy  

Student Learning Outcomes for Course
Outcomes Assessments – How it is met & When it is met
Raster Skills   

1. Identify & compare the advantages and disadvantages between raster and vector images, their uses, and the software used to create them.  

Midterm test, final test, all projects & exercises. Throughout the term.

2. Use correct image resolution, file format, and know how to apply appropriate techniques for integrating images in web design, multimedia, video, and print projects. Generate images in the appropriate output format for intended use. (CTAG)

Using correct resolution for raster projects. Applying masking techniques, retouching, and color correction techniques to Photoshop based projects. All projects must be exported correctly for submission and printing. First half of the term. 

3. Create and edit raster graphics using industry standard software. (CTAG). Adobe Photoshop used to include retouching, color correction, masking, layout, cropping, file resolution, and color theory.  

Exercises done in Adobe Photoshop. 80% or better is required on retouching and color correction exercises. Projects are also done in Adobe Photoshop. First half of the term. 

4. Create projects in Adobe Photoshop using non-destructive techniques including color adjustment layers, duplicate layers for retouching, and masks. Apply editing techniques using raster graphics in a layout. (CTAG)  Project #1 Photo Collage at the middle of the term.

5. Apply the principles and elements of imaging and art composition as applied to Digital Art.

Critique & Artist statements for Project 1 and  Midterm & Final test. Middle of the term.  

6. Explain how problem-solving is used to complete the creative process from concept development through revisions to final output. (CTAG)

All projects must be researched. By creating a cultural event flyer through research of that culture, problems are solved for potential clients who need a way to visually communicate their event to others. Creative brief is formed, sketches are made, revisions, and critique are used to bring the concept from idea to final product. Middle and end of the term. 

Color Theory 


1. Apply basic color theory including hue, saturation, and brightness, be able to use different color harmonies, and be able to create and blend colors into different tints and shades in vector based and pixel-based programs. 

Midterm test, color exercises, color will be evaluated in creativity portion of each project. Students will complete a color wheel graded exercise to evaluate their understanding of color relationships. Applied to projects, the middle and end of the term.  

Art/Design Principles 


1. Apply art principles to projects including form, line, shape, texture, value and gestalt, or graphic design principles including contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity.  

All projects will be evaluated based on creativity and design principles on the creativity portion of the project #1 & #2 rubric. All projects will have artists’ statements. Middle and end of the term.
2. Organize and compare vector and raster samples, exercises, and other materials in the class to create a personal reference guide on imaging.   After the completion of the class, students will have a final display of exercises, projects, principles, and samples. End of the term.

3. Apply design principles of outside advertising to create a billboard.

Project #2 Billboard. Second half of course  
4. Apply the grid layout principle to create a poster project.

Final Test and Project #3 Poster. Second half of course

5. Develop projects by following the design process and use a design brief to define project goals.

Midterm Test and all projects – require thumbnails, rough comps, and Design Brief turned in with every project. Second half of the course. 

Quantitative Literacy

1. Students will use math/numbers to create scaled down versions of a billboard design. They will also use division and measuring to cut and mount their final projects (centered) on the correct size matte board. Billboard Project, and all projects that are mounted on matte board.


Standard Grading Scale
93-100      A

90 - 92      A-

87- 89       B+

83 - 86      B

80 -82       B-

77- 79       C+

73 - 76      C

70 -72       C-

67- 69       D+

63 - 66      D

60 -62       D-

00- 59       F

Statement on Diversity
North Central State College believes that every student is a valued and equal member of the community.*  Every student brings different experiences to the College, and all are important in enriching academic life and developing greater understanding and appreciation of one another. Therefore, NC State College creates an inclusive culture in which students feel comfortable sharing their experiences. Discrimination and prejudice have no place on the campus, and the College takes any complaint in this regard seriously. Students encountering aspects of the instruction that result in barriers to their sense of being included and respected should contact the instructor, assistant dean, or dean without fear of reprisal. 

*Inclusive of race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, national origin (ancestry), military status (past, present or future), disability, age (40 years or older), status as a parent during pregnancy and immediately after the birth of a child, status as a parent of a young child, status as a foster parent, genetic information, or sexual orientation, 

Standard NCSC Course Policies
Important information regarding College Procedures and Policies can be found on the syllabus supplement located at this link



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