Oct 18, 2024  
2023-2024 College Catalog and Student Handbook 
2023-2024 College Catalog and Student Handbook


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ESOL 0240 - High Intermediate Topics in Culture

Academic Division:

Liberal Arts

Academic Discipline:

English for Speakers of Other Languages

Assistant Dean: Steve Haynes PhD
4 Credit(s)
This course introduces aspects of North American culture that contribute to academic success helping students to obtain the personal success strategies and practical skills necessary to reach their educational objectives. Students will explore topics related to academic success: personal responsibility, self-motivation, self-management, interdependence, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, college expectations, time utilization, test-taking, communication skills, study techniques, listening skills, library use, and use of College resources. They will also discuss cultural factors affecting academic achievement through reading, doing Internet research, role playing, lunching with faculty and other students, taking weekly field trips to places related to academic practices and values being examined) and reporting on discoveries. Semesters Available: Offered based on need UG
2 Lab Hour(s)
3 Lecture Hour(s);
College Wide Outcomes
College-Wide Learning Outcome Assessments - - How it is met & When it is met
Communication – Written  
Communication – Speech  
Intercultural Knowledge and Competence  
Critical Thinking  
Information Literacy  
Quantitative Literacy  


Student Learning Outcomes for Course
Outcomes Assessments – How it is met & When it is met

1. Demonstrate personal responsibility and strong decision making skills

Reflection on whether he or she is a victim or creator – weeks 1-2; Use creator language – weeks2-8.

2. Compose short and long term personal and career goals.

3. Evaluate goals for clarity and SMART characteristics

Write personal goals, career goals, personal mission, etc – week 2 Evaluate goals for effectiveness – weeks 3-8.

4. Distinguish between effective and ineffective time management and study techniques

Develop a time management plan – week 4 Explain effective personal study techniques – weeks 7-18.

5. Demonstrate interdependence, team orientation, and a strong ability to work cooperatively with others, particularly on a class group presentation

Groups class presentation – week 8 Evaluate active listening steps and create a plan for improving – week 6.

6. Demonstrate self-awareness, self-confidence, and positive work and life habits

Identify self-defeating habits and write a plan to overcome/eliminate each – weeks 1-3 with a review – weeks 5-7.
7. Discover personal preferred learning style State personal learning style and study techniques to accommodate it – assignment, quiz – weeks 3-8.
8. Employ critical thinking Use steps of critical thinking to solve a problem/case study - weeks 6-7.

9. Modify current behaviors and responses to use emotional intelligence

Design a self-care plan including physical, mental, and emotional spheres – weeks 7-8.
10. Match campus resources with locations Complete campus tour with 80% accuracy - first week; quiz on campus resources – weeks 8.

11. Use computers, internet, and college website/online course delivery system (Blackboard)

Complete CSI –week 2 and Discover inventories – week 3; register for next semester; complete Blackboard (online) assignment; use student e-mail –week 2.

12. Identify a field of study, create a career plan, and a financial plan for completing college

Complete career project with educational plan – weeks 4-5.
13. Examine the culture of college Write a list of behaviors that are effective for college success – week 1. Summarize the academic honesty policy – week 1.
14. Compare and contrast study/test taking techniques Analyze study techniques and develop a plan to improve – week 5.


Standard Grading Scale
93-100      A

90 - 92      A-

87- 89       B+

83 - 86      B

80 -82       B-

77- 79       C+

73 - 76      C

70 -72       C-

67- 69       D+

63 - 66      D

60 -62       D-

00- 59       F

Statement on Diversity
North Central State College believes that every student is a valued and equal member of the community.*  Every student brings different experiences to the College, and all are important in enriching academic life and developing greater understanding and appreciation of one another. Therefore, NC State College creates an inclusive culture in which students feel comfortable sharing their experiences. Discrimination and prejudice have no place on the campus, and the College takes any complaint in this regard seriously. Students encountering aspects of the instruction that result in barriers to their sense of being included and respected should contact the instructor, assistant dean, or dean without fear of reprisal. 

*Inclusive of race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, national origin (ancestry), military status (past, present or future), disability, age (40 years or older), status as a parent during pregnancy and immediately after the birth of a child, status as a parent of a young child, status as a foster parent, genetic information, or sexual orientation, 

Standard NCSC Course Policies
Important information regarding College Procedures and Policies can be found on the syllabus supplement located at this link



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