2. Guiding Active Experiences:
· Identify methods of making science and math
concepts meaningful to children through the
use of language and children’s literature.
· Explain science and math concepts as defined
by the Ohio Department of Education, National
Science Education Standards, National Council
of Teachers of Mathematics and the National
Association for the Education of Young
· Recognize and implement the following math
and science concepts common to early
childhood curriculum and that meet the Ohio
Early Learning Content Standards.
· Create or utilize developmentally appropriate
games, experiments, and projects linked to
Early Learning and Development Content
Standards to scaffold young children’s
understanding of math and science concepts.
· Facilitate multiple strategies to extend
children’s math and science discoveries..
· Identify and construct ways that math and
science can be integrated into other areas of a
preschool program.
Classroom Discussion – Concept Books – Week 6
Children’s Math/Science Book Critique – Week 6
Midterm and/or final
Demonstration and development of math activities. Weeks 7, 10, 11
Development of Math/Science resource notebook – Week 13
Midterm and/or Final
Science Unit Weeks – 14-16