Jul 27, 2024  
2023-2024 College Catalog and Student Handbook 
2023-2024 College Catalog and Student Handbook
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ARTS 1010 - Drawing I

Academic Division: Business, Industry and Technology
Academic Discipline: Arts
Assistant Dean: Brooke Miller, M.B.A.
3 Credit(s)
This course presents drawing concepts that can serve as a foundation for drawing itself and benefit other visual arts disciplines. The basic fundamentals of drawing, line form, gesture, and spatial illusion, perspective, composition, and use of light & shadow to describe space and volume. Studio practice will emphasize observational drawing to provide concrete and measurable examples of pictorial space. (TAG# OAH001) UG OAH001
2 Lab Hour(s)
2 Lecture Hour(s);
College Wide Outcomes
College-Wide Learning Outcomes Assessments - - How it is met & When it is met
Communication – Written Reflective journal, entries will be made daily and it will be graded with sketchbook at midterm and end of semester.
Communication – Speech  
Intercultural Knowledge and Competence The study of art and drawing is a study of culture. Students will take various field trips to galleries and shows, depending on availability. Participation on field trips will be required. Reflection on field trips experiences and art will be evaluated in journal/sketchbook at the midterm and end of semester.
Critical Thinking Drawing is a problem solving, critical thinking process. Students will discuss and practice hands on problem solving and critical thinking throughout the class on all drawing exercises and projects. Drawing projects will be critiqued in class when assignment is due and assessed with the portfolio at midterm and the end of the semester.
Information Literacy  
Quantitative Literacy  

Student Learning Outcomes for Course
Outcomes Assessment - - How it is met & When it is met

1. Demonstrate technical competence with the mediums of charcoal and graphite. A substantial portfolio of quality drawings. Evidence of strong observational drawing skills in the use of line to build illusionistic form. Effective overall use of composition evident in drawings.

Portfolio – assessed at midterm and end of semester
2. Utilize the vocabulary of art terminology. Mid-Term week #7 & Final Test given finals week
3. Employ effective matting and mounting techniques. Mounting of individual assignments
4. Draw three dimensional forms accurately on paper. Value Scale week #1
5. Exhibit form in both line and tone/value. Evaluated in each project and overall in the portfolio
6. Consistently show good composition. Evaluated in each project and overall in the portfolio
7. Show Artistic perspective. Perspective Assignment week #10 & week #11

8. Use 1, 2 point perspective principles through the planar analysis of objects and their surrounding space.

Picture Plane Assignment, foreshortening exercise week #10 & week #11

9. Demonstrate appropriate and effective light and shadow to describe space and volume.

Portrait Project due with portfolio at the end of the semester

10. Present clear evidence of ability to undertake advanced drawing techniques and independent study outside of class. Reflect, brainstorm, journal to stimulate creative thinking and observations of the world.

Journal/Sketchbook – graded midterm and end of semester
11. Study other artists and their style. Artist report, journal reflection on other student’s artist reports and other experiences. Artist reports will run daily thru out the semester and students will reflect on presentations throughout the semester. Journal will be evaluated week #7 and at the end of the semester.


Standard Grading Scale
93-100      A

90 - 92      A-

87- 89       B+

83 - 86      B

80 -82       B-

77- 79       C+

73 - 76      C

70 -72       C-

67- 69       D+

63 - 66      D

60 -62       D-

00- 59       F

Statement on Diversity
North Central State College believes that every student is a valued and equal member of the community.*  Every student brings different experiences to the College, and all are important in enriching academic life and developing greater understanding and appreciation of one another. Therefore, NC State College creates an inclusive culture in which students feel comfortable sharing their experiences. Discrimination and prejudice have no place on the campus, and the College takes any complaint in this regard seriously. Students encountering aspects of the instruction that result in barriers to their sense of being included and respected should contact the instructor, assistant dean, or dean without fear of reprisal. 

*Inclusive of race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, national origin (ancestry), military status (past, present or future), disability, age (40 years or older), status as a parent during pregnancy and immediately after the birth of a child, status as a parent of a young child, status as a foster parent, genetic information, or sexual orientation, 

Standard NCSC Course Policies
Important information regarding College Procedures and Policies can be found on the syllabus supplement located at this link



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