Feb 07, 2025  
2019-2020 College Catalog and Student Handbook 
2019-2020 College Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services


See Admissions, Recruitment and Gateway Services .

Bromfield Library & Information Commons

Bromfield Library & Information Commons (IC), serving the students, faculty, and staff of both North Central State College and The Ohio State University at Mansfield, occupies the ground floor of Conard Hall. Housing a collection of nearly 50,000 items, the BLIC also offers access to other Ohio State University/co-located campus libraries, which own some 5 million items.  Additionally, patrons can also choose to request materials through OhioLINK, which boasts some 50 million items, and SearchOhio, a collection of approximately 10 million items.  The BLIC, through OhioLINK, also provides access to full-text databases, e-journals, and e-books.  These materials can be accessed remotely or in-person from any of the PCs (15 of which are touchscreen) and iMacs (loaded with Creative Suite) that are in the BLIC. 

If students are looking for a great place to study, the BLIC offers six group study rooms equipped with dry erase boards and large touchscreen computers with audio and visual recording capabilities. For those not looking to study, the BLIC is now able to provide, through the Mansfield Richland County Public Library, a newly updated leisure collection including DVDs, audiobooks, and fiction books for patron check-out. 

Unlike many traditional libraries, the BLIC is not a quiet library.  Patrons may bring in food and drink as long as items are not consumed at a computer station.  

A photo I.D. and a current validation sticker are required as proof of current enrollment to begin library circulation privileges. A photo I.D. is required to borrow items at all times. Patrons can only borrow items in their own name, not as a proxy for someone else.

For the more information about the Bromfield Library and Information Commons and hours of operation, please see mansfield.osu.edu/blic/

Campus Activities Board

The Campus Activities Board (CAB) is the primary activities planning committee for the NC State/OSU-M campus. The members are responsible for planning and implementing social, cultural, physical, emotional, and spiritual programs for the campus community. Some of the events include May Daze, Murder Mystery, Tuesday Afternoon Get-Together (second Tuesday of the month) comedians, and lecturers, just to mention a few. These events are open to all students, faculty, and staff. Select events are open to the public.  

CAB provides the opportunities for students to become effective and productive leaders, as well as develop personal, professional, and leadership skills through planning, implementing, and evaluating a variety of activities for students, faculty, and staff at North Central State College. Any student interested in becoming a part of the Campus Activities Board should stop by the Office of Student Engagement, second floor of Eisenhower, or call 419-755-4313.

Campus Cafeteria and Cyber Café

The Campus Cafeteria is located on the first floor of Eisenhower. The Campus Cafeteria serves breakfast and lunch, which includes selections of hot entrees and sides, sandwiches, salads, and desserts. Check the weekly menu for cook to order specials. The Cyber Café is located in the main entrance of Ovalwood Hall and features specialty coffees, gourmet deli sandwiches and salads, desserts and pastries. The Café provides a relaxed comfortable atmosphere offering big screen TV’s, WiFi and a fireplace for your enjoyment. Students also have access to vending machines that are located in most buildings throughout the campus courtesy of the Campus Cafeteria.

Campus Recreation Center

The Campus Recreation Center (CRC) offers a diverse combination of intercollegiate athletics, intramural sports, and open recreation activities to students, faculty, staff, alumni, family members, and guests of North Central State College. The Campus Recreation Center contains a cardio and fitness area, a weight room, locker room facilities for both men and women, and a multipurpose gym sufficient for playing a variety of team and individual sports. The cardio and fitness equipment available to patrons includes elliptical machines, a punching bag, a row machine, a stair stepper, stationary bicycles, treadmills, decline sit-up benches, an abdominal resistance chair, and workout videos with a TV and mat area. The weight room supplies include dumbbells, a squat rack, a preacher curl, a leg press machine, pull-up/dip machine, a multi-station weight machine, and two flat panel TV’s. In addition to using the facility, a wide array of sports equipment, locks, towels, and radios may be checked out with a current NC State ID card.

The Campus Recreation Center features outdoor facilities including two tennis courts, two basketball courts, a football field, a soccer field, a softball diamond, and a sand volleyball court. All students, faculty, staff, and alumni are eligible to participate in the competitive intramural program for the following sports: tennis, sand volleyball, flag football, dodge ball, basketball, indoor volleyball, softball, tug-of-war, street hockey, kickball, indoor soccer, ultimate Frisbee, outdoor soccer, and corn hole. Special events and tournaments such as 3-on-3 basketball, 3-point shoot-out, golf scramble, and softball tournaments are also organized throughout the year.

Additionally, students can try out for the school athletic teams, which consist of men’s soccer, women’s volleyball, men’s and women’s basketball, cheerleading, and baseball. Depending on the sport, tryouts and practice are usually held at the beginning of Fall semester. (Soccer and volleyball begin before school in mid-June). Teams compete in the Ohio Regional Campus Conference and play games within Ohio and the surrounding states.  In addition to our intramurals, athletic programs, and special events, we also offer non-credit courses for a minimal fee.  Classes include Cardio Kickboxing, Personal Training, Yoga, and Zumba.

Contact the Campus Recreation Center at 419-755-4041 for additional information about guest and family passes or drop in for a tour and pick up more information.  The Campus Recreation Center’s website along with the Mansfield Mavericks Facebook account is also available for information regarding our intramurals, athletics, and recreation events.

Career Development

Career Development Services provide career counseling/ exploration and job placement assistance.  For access to services, students can stop by the office or schedule an individual appointment by calling the Career Counselor at 419-755-4786.

Career Development Services is located in Byron Kee, Room 102, and in the Kehoe Center, Room 163.  Services provided include the following areas.

Career Counseling/Exploration

North Central State provides free career counseling and exploration services.  Students exploring careers might be undecided in their major and/or thinking about changing their major.  The career assessment software FOCUS2 helps students learn about careers that match their interests, abilities and values.

Career Coach

Career Coach generates local career outlook data, including current and potential earnings, local job trends, required training programs, and current job openings.

Job Search Assistance

Job search assistance is available for students and alumni.  Job seeking skills training include resume assistance, cover letter assistance, interviewing, soft skill development, social media training, and sharing job leads. Students/alumni can post resumes online to connect with local employers.  Online job leads and local employment information can be accessed through NC State’s active job board at www.collegecentral.com/ncstatecollege.

Job seeking workshops are offered every semester to help students and alumni prepare quality resumes and job search materials, as well as find employment.

On‐Campus Employment/Federal Work Study

Career Development Services assist students that qualify for Federal Work Study in finding campus employment.  There are various on-campus positions available each year that provide flexible work hours around student class schedules.  The Federal Work Study program is coordinate through the Financial Aid Office and students must apply for this employment opportunity.  More information is available at ncstatecollege.edu/admissions-and-aid/financial-aid/federal-work-study.

Internship Program

Students experience on-the-job training in their field of study through the Internship Program.  Internships can be paid or unpaid, for-credit or not for-credit, and they can be at non-profit or for-profit companies.  Students in any major can participate in an internship experience during any semester at NC State.  Contact Career Development Services for more information.

Employer Services

For employers, NC State offers valuable online employment resources through a job posting website - College Central Network at www.collegecentral.com/ncstatecollege.

Online resources allow employers to post positions to recruit qualified students and alumni. Employers can access registered student/alumni resumes.  Annual career expos/recruitment events and on-campus interview dates are arranged to connect students and employers. 

Child Development Center

The Child Development Center (CDC) opened in 1994 with the purpose of serving the child care needs of North Central State College, The Ohio State University-Mansfield students and our community while operating as a teaching laboratory for college students preparing for careers with young children and their families. The following programs are provided at the CDC to students, faculty, staff, and members of our community:

Prenatal/Infant/Toddler services are enriched in several ways. A federal Early Head Start (EHS) grant allows for enrollment of forty infants, toddlers, and pregnant women in either center-based or home based services. EHS is a program designed to respond to the unique strengths, interests, and needs of each child and family. Services and supports are layered into early care and education services.

Infant/Toddler center based care and education are also offered to families who do not qualify for the EHS program. There is a seamless integration of the EHS center based and Infant/Toddler programs in the three mixed age classrooms serving children from six weeks to three years of age.

Preschool services are offered in two classrooms. We assure that the care and education provided to enrolled children are based on Ohio’s Early Learning and Development Standards. Children learn best when they have positive and caring relationships with adults and other children; when they receive carefully planned, intentional guidance and assistance; and when they can safely encounter and explore many interesting things in their environment. Skilled teaching staff maintain appropriate expectations, providing each child with the right mix of challenge, support, sensitivity, and inspiration. These learning environments support thinking abilities, reasoning, problem solving, decision-making, social competencies and development of children.

Our curricula are inspired and influenced by multiple research-based approaches. Assessment of children and documentation of their progress, research and various standards, Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework, Ohio’s Early Learning and Development Standards, and National Association for the Education of Young Children Standards, assist teaching staff in facilitating intentional learning experiences and opportunities while providing guidance to foster children’s growth and development. Staff value and respect family members as a child’s first and most important teachers.

The CDC enrolls prenatal women, children six weeks through kindergarten entry and summer school-age children kindergarten completion through third grade. Open Monday through Friday from 6:45 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., the Center offers full-day, full-year services and flexible scheduling to meet the needs of students, faculty, staff and community. The Child Development Center is licensed by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services as well as accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. An additional sign of quality services is the attainment of a five star rating from Ohio’s Step Up To Quality rating system and an Ohio Healthy Program developing healthy lifestyles in children and families.

If you would like to arrange a visit to learn more about our programs, please call 419-755-5600. You can find our child application on the North Central State College web site or pick one up during your visit.

Students interested in work-study opportunities at the CDC are encouraged to call 419-755-4899 for NC State students, or 419-755-4234 for Ohio State Mansfield students.

Disability Services

The Office of Disability Services coordinates support services that assist students with physical, sensory, attention deficit and learning disabilities to an equal opportunity towards achieving their maximum educational potential.

Prospective or current students, who either have a documented disability(s) or would like to learn more about the Office of Disability Services, are encouraged to visit us at least 3 to 4 weeks before classes begin to discuss and, if appropriate, start the intake process.

To be eligible for services for the Office of Disability Services, you must be a current student and have documentation from a licensed professional that:

  • Is no more than 3 years old
  • States the nature of the disability, and
  • Clearly describes the kinds of accommodation recommended by the licensed professional.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities.  

Please contact the Coordinator of Specialized Support Services at 419-755-4727 (TTY - 419-755-4757), or see the Disability Services webpage at ncstatecollege.edu/student-services/disability-services for further information.

Financial Aid

See Financial Aid .

Health Insurance

Student health insurance information is available from the College Welcome Center in Byron Kee. The low cost insurance program is designed specifically for full-time students who traditionally are inadequately insured. In many cases, family insurance plans do not cover family members beyond age 27. Additional student insurance is available for the dependents of students upon request.


The student web portal, known as MyNC, gives students the ability to access class schedules, grades, and financial aid records, search courses, perform degree audits and register for classes online. 

Personal Counseling

Free, personal counseling is available to currently enrolled NC State students who feel that certain problems in their personal lives are preventing them from being able to focus on their academic work. The goal of this program is not to provide long-term counseling, but rather to help students focus on their immediate barriers to success, explore options, and take the actions necessary to be academically successful. Interested students should contact a Success Coach/Advisor in the Student Success and Transition Center at 419-755-4764, or the Office of Specialized Support Services at 419-755-4727.

Phi Theta Kappa

North Central State College is proud to have a chapter of Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society (Beta Theta Eta). Membership is based upon academic achievement. In order to become a member, a student, either full-time or part-time, must have completed at least 12 credit hours of coursework and have a 3.5 accumulative grade point average. Membership in Phi Theta Kappa offers many opportunities such as over $37 million in transfer scholarships offered to Phi Theta Kappa members to four-year institutions, intellectual enrichment, and personal development through programs based on Phi Theta Kappa’s four Hallmarks of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Fellowship. For additional information, please contact the Phi Theta Kappa Advisor at bkeener@ncstatecollege.edu.

Proctoring Services

Make-Up Exam Proctoring Services

As a service to North Central State students, the college provides proctoring services for making up NC State exams, free of charge.  Students need to make an appointment for proctoring by calling 419-755-4536 or 419-755-4736.

Non-NC State Proctoring Services

As a service to the students of other educational institutions, North Central State College can be utilized as a proctoring site for non-NC State exams or ACCUPLACER placement assessment for admission to another college. A $25 fee applies to each exam or ACCUPLACER assessment appointment.

The Proctoring Center is located in the Student Success and Transition Center, Byron Kee in Room 138, and the hours are by appointment only. 

For more information about NC State’s Non-NC State Proctoring Services, contact the Testing and Assessment Specialist at 419-755-4736 or Student Success and Transition Center at 419-755-4764 or send an e-mail to proctoring@ncstatecollege.edu.

Safety and Security

Security personnel patrol the campus buildings and grounds on a 24-hour basis. The security officers:

  • Prevent and investigate criminal acts on campus property.
  • Investigate traffic accidents.
  • Enforce traffic and parking regulations.
  • Assist in the aid of ill or injured persons.
  • Provide for the security of campus buildings.
  • Lend assistance in many other ways to the faculty, staff, students, guests, and visitors of this campus.
  • Will provide an escort from a vehicle to class and back.

You are encouraged to seek their assistance when needed. Security may be reached by calling 419-755-4218 or 419-755-4346 for Main Campus.  Security for the Kehoe Center can be reached at 419-545-1199, 419-545-4143, or 419-913-9194. For all emergencies at the Kehoe Center, dial 911 or contact the Shelby Police Department. 

As a part of our commitment to safety on campus, and in compliance with the Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act of 1990, the campus safety and security report is provided annually. Copies of the report are available on the College website one the Safety and Security webpage at ncstatecollege.edu/certificates/security-essentials or in Room 161 of Riedl Hall.

Student Email Accounts

All registered NC State students are assigned an email account. Student email accounts should be checked on a regular basis for college news and announcements. Students should use their assigned email accounts when communicating via email with faculty members or other college personnel. For more information about student email accounts, go to ncstatecollege.edu/help-documents-and-tutorials/ student-email-office-365.

Student Identification Cards

Student ID cards are provided free to all NC State students and must be accompanied by a current validation sticker. The photo ID cards are produced at NC State College’s Cashier’s office in Byron Kee, any time during normal working hours.

The NC State ID must be presented at a variety of locations throughout the campus in order to receive services and for campus security. The Campus Recreation Center, various health science and computer labs, the campus library, and the campus bookstore are a few of the more prominent locations where you will be required to present a valid student ID.

Your NC State ID is also required to print documents in campus computer labs using Pay to Print.  For more information, see ncstatecollege.edu/student-services/identification-cards.

Student Success and Transition Center (SSTC)

The Student Success and Transition Center (SSTC) is a facility that offers an array of support services designed to help students be as successful as they can be in their academic career. A team of professional staff members and adjunct faculty staffs the Center. Located in room 136 of Byron Kee, the Student Success and Transition Center is conveniently open Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.  From mid-May through July, the SSTC will be open Monday-Thursday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.  During these summer hours, the college will be closed on Fridays.

Services are offered in the areas of academic advising, personal counseling, disability services, career exploration and new-student assessment. The advising services offered by the Student Success and Transition Center are available, free of charge, to any student currently enrolled at NC State. Students are welcome in the Center on a walk-in basis or by appointment.

Student Union/Game Room/Tickets

The Student Union is located on the second floor of the Eisenhower Center. It offers the perfect environment for you to relax between classes, meet new people, and hold group study sessions. These facilities include a big screen TV with plenty of seating; a gas log fireplace with comfortable furniture; and a Game Room with pool tables, video games, ping-pong, foosball, air hockey, Xbox 360, a Wii and more. Lots of entertainment occurs in the Union during the day, including free entertainment and food on the second Tuesday of the month in the Union area.

In addition to the above activities, the Office of Student Engagement serves as a central office for campus student organizations and ticket sales on campus. Tickets are sold for a variety of events including, but are not limited to, the Arts and Lecture series and special events. For more information, call 419-755-4314. Ohio State Mansfield theatre tickets may be purchased by calling 419-755-4045.

TRIO Student Support Services

This program provides and coordinates a variety of educational support services to students who are first generation, low-income, and/or have disabilities. The purpose of the program is to increase college retention, graduation, and transfer rates for eligible participants. Eligibility is based on federally defined criteria. For more information, contact the TRIO Student Support Services Office at 419-755-9015, or by email at triosss@ncstatecollege.edu.


Free tutoring is available to currently enrolled NC State students in the Tutoring Resource Center, located in Fallerius, Rooms 117 and 119.  Students are welcome to use the center on a “drop-in” basis and receive free tutoring as often as they choose.  If tutoring is needed outside of center hours, students may make an appointment by calling 419-755-4539. 

Tutoring is offered in a variety of courses by faculty, community members, and academically accomplished students. Tutors participate in training that leads to tutor certification that promotes researched based practices and increases student success.  Faculty may require their students to visit the center and receive tutoring.  Students that are interested in becoming a tutor may contact the Manager of Tutoring and Transition Services, at bkeener@ncstatecollege.edu.