Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Advisor Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2024-2025 College Catalog and Student Handbook Program: Criminal Justice, AAS

Criminal Justice, AAS

Graduates of the Criminal Justice program may find employment within city, county, private, and state agencies who are involved with the enforcement of laws, the investigation of criminal acts, corrections, and probation. Positions are also available in the private industry where security and loss prevention are paramount. Some graduates will continue to pursue a bachelor’s degree, which expands the employment market to include federal agencies and state agencies.

The qualities that a person should have to be successful include keen powers of observation, mental alertness, emotional stability, ability to work within prescribed rules and regulations, and the ability to handle responsibility and discipline. As the field of criminal justice becomes more sophisticated and complex, advanced training and education become more critical. The two‐year curriculum includes courses in forensic science, juvenile delinquency, drugs and narcotics, family violence, criminal and constitutional law, criminology, and criminal investigations.

INDIVIDUALS WITH A FELONY AND/OR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CONVICTION OR DRUG CONVICTIONS MAY EXPERIENCE DIFFICULTY GAINING EMPLOYMENT IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE FIELD. Students with misdemeanor convictions should seek advice from an advisor in the Criminal Justice program. A fingerprint check is required for CRMJ 2190 Practicum and Seminar.

The Associate of Applied Science degree is awarded for the completion of this program.

Program Learning Outcomes

By the end of the Associate Degree program students will be able to:

  1. Apply the core criminal justice foundation concepts of juvenile justice, criminology, constitutional law, corrections, private security, and U.S. Judicial and Criminal Justice systems in solving and defending logical arguments and applications in the field.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in writing and speech.
  3. Demonstrate well‐developed analytical and problem solving skills.
  4. Demonstrate proper standards of criminal justice professionalism, morals and ethics.

Year One

Fall Semester

Course NameCredit(s)Term TakenGrade
CRMJ 1010 - Introduction to Criminal Justice & US Judicial Systems 3 Credit(s)
CRMJ 1070 - Family Violence 3 Credit(s)
ENGL 1010 - English Composition I

Required Prerequisite Course(s): ENGL 0040; (minimum grade of C-), or qualifying placement test scores

3 Credit(s)
PSYC 1010 - Introduction to Psychology 3 Credit(s)
STAT 1010 - Probability and Statistics

Required as Prerequisite or Concurrent Course(s): MATH 0084 (Minimum grade of C- required) or qualifying placement test score OR Co-requisite of STAT 0086 

3 Credit(s)

Spring Semester

Course NameCredit(s)Term TakenGrade
COMM 1010 - Speech 3 Credit(s)
CRMJ 1090 - Juvenile Delinquency 4 Credit(s)
CRMJ 1110 - Criminal Investigation I 3 Credit(s)
CRMJ 1130 - Introduction to Corrections 3 Credit(s)


SOCY 1010 - Introduction to Sociology 3 Credit(s)


SOCY 2010 - Cultural Diversity and Racism 3 Credit(s)

Year Two

Fall Semester

Course NameCredit(s)Term TakenGrade
  • Basic Elective 3 Credit(s)

    BIOL 1101 - Nutrition 2 Credit(s)


    PSYC 2170 - Forensic Psychology

    Required Prerequisite Course(s): Take PSYC 1010 

    3 Credit(s)


    CRMJ 1050 - Criminal and Constitutional Law 4 Credit(s)
    CRMJ 2010 - Criminology 3 Credit(s)
    CRMJ 2036 - Report Writing for Criminal Justice Professional 3 Credit(s)

    Spring Semester

    Course NameCredit(s)Term TakenGrade
  • Basic Elective 3 Credit(s)
  • Basic Elective 3 Credit(s)
  • CRMJ 2110 - Private Security I 3 Credit(s)
    CRMJ 2130 - Community Based Corrections 3 Credit(s)
    CRMJ 2190 - Practicum and Seminar 3 Credit(s)


    HUMA 1010 - Introduction to the Humanities 3 Credit(s)


    PHIL 1110 - Ethics 3 Credit(s)

    Total Credit Hours: 65

    Basic Electives

    Course NameCredit(s)Term TakenGrade
    CRMJ 1150 - Success Skills for Criminal Justice Prof 3 Credit(s)
    CRMJ 2032 - Gangs Cults and Terrorism 3 Credit(s)
    CRMJ 2050 - Drug Recognition 3 Credit(s)
    CRMJ 2115 - Criminal Investigations II 3 Credit(s)
    CRMJ 2150 - Forensic Science/Criminalistics I 3 Credit(s)
    CRMJ 2152 - Forensic Science/Criminalistics II 3 Credit(s)
    CRMJ 2154 - Forensic Science/Criminalistics III 3 Credit(s)
    PSYC 2050 - Abnormal Psychology

    Required Prerequisite Course(s): Take PSYC 1010;

    3 Credit(s)